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Vapor Rigs: The Best Way To Enhance The Consumption Of Concentrates

While the method of consumption may vary for each cannabis or cannabinoid consumer, many of them have at least tried to use concentrates once — let it be in the form of wax, oil, or other forms that are slowly becoming more and more popular due to the rise in access to concentrates throughout the United States. For those preferring this method of consumption through the concentrates, dabs or vapor rigs are the best addition to have to one’s vaporizing device.

Concentrates, as most experienced users would be aware, is the solvent-less forms of cannabinoid or cannabis extracts that can be commonly found in lumped consistency or even in oil form. Most people think of the lumpy, waxy form as the only form of concentrates but that is not so as its texture can vary depending on which strain of cannabinoid or cannabis it is from. The best way to consume them is usually either through vaporizing devices specially made for this purpose or through mixing them in food.

What are vapor or dab rigs?

Shop for dab rigs at TokePlanet

In a nutshell, vapor or dab rigs are a piece of equipment that can be added to the vaporizing device used for the consumption of the concentrates. It acts as a filter and helps improve the quality of consumption by removing any unwanted lumps from the vapor during inhalation.

These rigs are designed as well used as a residue filter that not only smoothens outs any unwanted lumps from the vapor that the consumer is inhaling but also collects the residues left from such vaporizing, avoiding wasting any leftover concentrate from the session.

Function and benefits

As mentioned earlier, vapor or dab rigs are cooling device that enables one to inhale the vapors directly without feeling any discomfort. It facilitates diffusion of the water and concentrates in the form of vapor, filtering out any bigger lumps that can cause discomfort to the consumer.

Any residue of the concentrate or lumps is filtered out on the other side of the rig, which can be collected for later use or can even be used in the same session. This helps produce little to no waste by the end of the session.


In the end, vapor or dab rigs are very beneficial for anyone using a vaporizing machine to consume their concentrates. It makes the consumption smoother and leaves no residue by the end of the session.

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